Hello from TGDT
A big hello to all of our members and followers and a warm welcome from the Tomintoul and Glenlivet Development Trust.
The first 18 months since the Trust’s inception have flown past with our eight volunteer Directors and now three full-time staff working flat out on a range of diverse projects ranging from organising new events, formulating and detailing ideas for a Heritage Lottery Funding bid, enhancing the broadband coverage in our area, landscaping a gateway and enhancing signage to Tomintoul village, assessing the possibility of renewable energy schemes as well as having recently taken over and re-branded the old Tomintoul Youth Hostel ‘The Smugglers Hostel’ and Tomintoul Visitors Centre and Museum which are being run by the Trust as a Community Assets.
To say the first 18 months have been an education in commitment, time management, and the general technicalities of being involved in such an organisation has been a revelation to all of us.
We as a Trust are committed to enhancing and improving our area in any way we can but to do this we need the help and support of our members and the community as a whole.
We have a number of projects ongoing where your ‘hands on’ support would be greatly appreciated. If you do feel you have the time to lend a hand please contact The Development Trust Team on 01807 580 358 and by working together we’ll make the area a better place for us all to live, work and visit.
Charlie Ironside, Chairman