Community Associations

Glenlivet & Inveravon Community Association (GICA)

Glenlivet and Inveravon Community Association (GICA) is for everyone who lives in Glenlivet and Inveravon. You don’t have to join – you are automatically a member because you live here! GICA promotes the welfare and interests of all the residents regardless of politics, religion, culture or age.

GICA public meetings are held quarterly, and the venue moves between The Braes Hall and Glenlivet Public Hall. Meetings are usually held at 7.30 pm on the last Wednesday in January, April, July and October. The AGM is held in October. Naturally everyone is welcome to come along and ask questions and join in the discussions.

If you have a problem that needs solving, a question that needs answering or an idea to put forward do contact the secretary. GICA deals with everything at grass-roots level from road safety to recycling, from Livet fishing to windfarm grants, from broadband problems to lack of road grit, and literally anything else in between that affects residents.


Secretary: Tricia Lawson

01807 500225


Kirkmichael and Tomintoul Community Association Ltd. (KATCA)

The Association represents the communities of Kirkmichael and Tomintoul as defined by postcode AB37 and all residents are welcome as members. KaTCA holds 4 meetings per year, with the A.G.M. being held each May. KaTCA promotes the benefits of the inhabitants of the community without distinction.  The Association works as closely as possible with members of the local community and with statutory and other groups.

The scope and the work of KaTCA is wide ranging. Recent activities include the allocation of a range of small grants to support the work of local groups. KaTCA works vigorously to represent the community in promoting the well-being and development of Kirkmichael and Tomintoul. The Association strongly promotes enhancing community life for all.


Registered Office: Post Office, The Square, Tomintoul, AB37 9ET

01807 580201