Work Begins on Tomintoul Coat Replica Project

Work Begins on Tomintoul Coat Replica Project

Work has begun on an exciting National Lottery Heritage Fund project to make replica versions of the Tomintoul Coat. A costumier has been commissioned to make a full size replica in addition to two  children’s coats in the same style and has begun work on constructing a pattern.

The coat cannot be displayed permanently due to its relative fragility so a full-size replica will be used for display purposes in the Discovery Centre when the original is in storage. The smaller replicas will enable children, in particular, to try the coat on and engage firsthand with this special artefact and item of local heritage.

We plan to hold community workshops in late February/ early March 2020 providing an opportunity to find out more about garment construction and textile heritage. Workshop details will be released nearer the time.

If you would like to get involved and register your interest for the workshops please contact or 01807 580760